Meet Our Leadership & Staff
Rob came to New Hope after serving for six years as a pastor of Maranatha Grace Church in Bergen County, New Jersey.
He grew up going to church but eventually rejected Christianity. In hindsight this wasn't so much the result of an intellectual awakening as much as a pursuit of fulfillment in things that would prove to fail him.
But in time, a series of experiences and relationships moved Rob to question his own doubts about God. He began to realize his need of forgiveness, change, and hope. God was pursuing him and continued to do so until he finally found new life through faith in Jesus Christ. Now, as a recipient of God's mercy, Rob wants to live in light of the grace he has received and help others to know that grace too.
Rob received degrees in English Literature, Applied Linguistics, and Theological Studies. In the past, he taught linguistics and worked as a book editor.
He and his wife Delimar have five children: Marcelo (2005), Noa (2007), Marcos (2009), Daniela (2015), and Matias (2018).
Chae An has been with NHF since its early days. He became an elder in 2006 and has been serving in various capacities to give glory to God.
He and his wife, Christine, love Jesus, people, and life together. They enjoy being instruments in making disciples of Jesus and counseling couples on marriage and family. Their family includes grown-up children, Julia, James and Grace (married to James).
Raised in a pastor household, Tim has always been culturally Christian since birth. Despite this, doubt and questions always plagued him throughout his adolescent and young adult years. On deeper examination of the truth of the gospel, and on witnessing the numerous miracles of Jesus’ work throughout Tim’s life, these doubts disappeared, and was replaced by hope and awe of the sovereignty of God.
While still a struggling sinner, Tim has dedicated his life and his efforts to the expansion of the gospel so that others might be transformed by the grace of Jesus in their lives.
Tim and his wife Jihye have two children, Elise (2007) and Samuel (2009).
Alex grew up in the mid-west, in a typical Korean-American family which included going to church simply out of family tradition. After completing his medical training, he began working in NYC and was immersed in a hedonistic, materialistic lifestyle. Through a slow intellectual journey of studying different worldviews/religions it became clear to him that Jesus Christ was vastly different and exquisitely unique.
While this rational approach provided him with answers, ultimately he realized it was the power of God’s love and mercy, through the Holy Spirit, that made him believe that Jesus is alive.
Alex and his wife Sharon have three children: Kate (2004), Daniel (2007), Tobias (2011).
A member of NHF since 2007, Robert came to know Christ at New Hope. He thanks God for the opportunities he has given him and his wife, Jeehyun to share their lives with this church family, to serve with the hope of leading others to Jesus, Robert and Jeehyun have three children, Laura, Spencer, and Mark, who give them much joy.
Although Brian had been attending church nearly all his life, it wasn’t until he was challenged with the question, “What does the gospel mean to you?” in 2012 that he began to search for answers regarding the reasons Christians have for their hope in Christ.
With a new desire to know the truth, Brian searched the Scriptures and sought help to find it. Through reading the gospels and the faithful witness of godly men who discipled him week in and week out, God saved him.
Brian Lee has been a member of New Hope Fellowship since 2013, and became the Youth Director in 2020.
He met his wife Carolyn at NHF, and they have one son, Luke (2024).
Sarah is the church's office administrator and resides in Yorktown Heights with her husband, Mike, and her two children.