Growing and maturing as a follower of Christ involves living as a part of His body, the Church (Ephesians 4:15-16). When a baptized believer becomes a member of a local church, he/she is committing to that particular community of fellow believers, to worship and serve Christ together, to love one another, and to carry out Christ's mission together.
New Hope Fellowship's membership process involves four steps:
1. Membership Class
This group session covers the history, beliefs, structure, and vision of NHF. Membership classes are typically held 4 times a year, on a Saturday morning, from 9am to 12pm.
2. Membership Application
Once you've completed the membership class, if you're interested in pursuing membership, you can submit our membership application telling us about yourself and how God saved you.
3. Membership Interview
Once you've returned your application, we will schedule a conversation with two of our elders. This is an opportunity to share your story, ask questions, and learn more about NHF.
4. Membership Covenanting
Once you've completed the steps above, you'll be introduced to the congregation during one of our Sunday Worship Services. This is a chance for the church to recognize and receive you as a new member. We'll all read our church covenant together and pray for you as you're welcomed into the body.