What To Expect

Sunday Worship

When we gather on Sundays, our aim is to make much of Jesus Christ, to celebrate who he is and what he has done, and to experience his love and presence with us by his Spirit. 

You can expect to find a casually dressed congregation from a variety of backgrounds. Our weekly worship gathering consists of reading from the Bible, singing songs of worship, praying, listening to a sermon from the Bible focused especially on preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, and partaking in Communion (or the Lord’s Supper) together. 


For children under 30 months old, nursery (behind the sanctuary) is available with live video feed of the main service. Each child should be accompanied by just one parent/caregiver.

Sunday School (30 months-5th grade)

Children stay with their parents in the sanctuary during worship songs then are dismissed to Sunday School. At that time, Children’s Ministry leader will be stationed near the back sanctuary door to guide new children to their rooms, where children participate in Gospel-centered Bible lessons with related activities and discussion.

Youth Group (6-12th grades)

Middle and high school students remain with the adults during Sunday worship services, and briefly after service to discuss that day’s sermon.